While the Reset Team Lead will assign you your specific tasks and supervise your help, you have to document your work with the Survey Merchandiser app. Need the app? Get it here.
Before you leave to go to the store, make sure that the store appears in your Assigned list. If you are unsure how to check, please refer to this article, specifically this section.
**Important** If the store you're about to go to is not in your Assigned list but you think it should be, then you should contact us. If the store is not in your Assigned list, then it is not assigned to you, and you should not just show up and work. If you complete a reset that was not assigned to you, you might not get paid.
Step 1: Start the Assignment
Sign in to the app go to the Assigned tab. Find the store and tap Start. Please be aware that your shift has a preset start time, and you cannot tap Start until that time, usually 15 minutes before the shift starts.
After you tap Start, this is what you'll see.
Under the heading Projects Steps are what we call "Sections". Each Section is titled in GREEN ALL CAPS. Each section contains the specific instructions, questions, and other ways for you to document your reset.
Step 2: Tap "On Arrival"
This section asks you to do things before you start the visit. In fact, some of these steps should be completed before you enter the store.
Step 3: Follow the directions. Take the photos.
Continue working through each section. Each one has its own instructions. At one point you will be told to put your phone away until the end of the day.
Step 4: Ending of the Day
At the end of the day, the most important section is "After the Reset":
Step 5: Finishing up.
Once you're finished, keep tapping Done. The app will ask you if you're ready to upload your response. You can do this right then and there, or you can wait until you are on a wifi connection.
If you wait, you can find your completed reset visit by opening the menu (button, top left) and choosing Upload Assignments.
Tap the UPLOAD button at the bottom of the screen.
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