When working on a reset, or any retail services gig offered by Survey.com, you'll come across words that you may be unfamiliar with. This glossary defines the most commonly used retail jargon words:
The glossary is in alphabetical order...with one exception: The Planogram. That's because it's the most important part of the reset.
The Planogram, or POG, is basically a "shelf map". It's a picture or layout plan describing where merchandise is to be placed on the fixtures. Some are graphic-based, and others are in spreadsheet format (often a mixture of both).
A POG shows:
- The overall store layout
- The details on the placement of every product in the store
- The aisle and shelf each product should be located
- The number of facings allocated for each SKU
Why is the POG so important for resets? Because the purpose of a reset is to change the store from one POG to a new one.
Other Common Retail Terms:
The layout of the store that shows how each planogram or rack is set next to each other.
Stockroom or receiving area where reserve product is stored.
Back tag:
A printed card used to hang from a peg hook showing that a product is out of stock, the number of facings, SKU and description.
The bottom flat part of each gondola section.
Refers to the section in the store; for example Hardware, School Supplies, Cosmetics, etc.
Cut In:
When a new product is introduced, the manufacturer usually likes to “cut-in” the new product into the existing planogram via a revision or update.
An entire gondola side, counter, category set complete with product and point of purchase materials.
Used along with fencing to separate product on the shelves.
End Cap:
A 3 or 4 foot section located at the end of a gondola used to merchandise seasonal, temporary or promotional product.
The number of times a product is merchandised on the shelf or peg hook. Some better selling products have more than one facing.
Fast Back Hook:
A two prong hook that attaches into the pegboard. Some are designed as two part pegs for easy removal.
A display furnishing to hold merchandise.
Fixture Accessory:
Shelves, Peg Hooks, etc.
Front Runner:
Plastic strips that attach to the pegs to hold the labels.
A type of free-standing shelving unit where products are merchandised.
Abbreviation for “Instant Redeemable Coupon” or “Instant Rebate Coupon”
J Hook:
A hook so called because of its “J” shape. Placed on a shelf used to merchandise impulse products
Contains price information for the consumer. Labels are placed in the shelf channels to the left of the product or on the front runners for pegged items.
The process of determining locations and adjacencies of departments and merchandise inside a store.
Peg Board:
The backing on many fixtures where hooks are inserted to display product.
Peg Hook:
Metal or plastic hooks that fit into the pegboard to hold product.
Planogram / POG:
A schematic drawing of fixtures that illustrate product placement. Picture or layout plan describing where merchandise is to be placed on the fixtures. Also known as a POG.
The height of the gondola. Also, the amount of distance from one shelf to another shelf.
Shelves above the shoppable portion of a gondola.
Line-art drawing of the planogram, showing how many shelves or peg hooks to use.
Shelf Channel:
The indented front of the shelf where labels or plastic label strip holders are placed.
Shelf Label:
The indented front of the shelf where labels or plastic label strip holders are placed.
Abbreviation for “Stock Keeping Unit”. Some SKU’s have more than one facing. Each SKU is associated with a different product on a planogram (POG) and is a number assigned by the retailer to keep track of the type, color and size of a product.
Standard for encoding a set of lines and spaces that can be scanned and interpreted into numbers to identify a product. A sequence of numbers and bar code on the back of each product. Also called a barcode.
Wing Display:
A display that flanks an end cap.
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