Visits are approved on a fixed schedule.
Assuming the information and photos you submitted are accurate and complete, and that there are no revisions still outstanding, your visit will be approved eight business days from when you upload it.
If there's a problem with your visit, or if we have questions, we'll reach out through the app and/or email. This can also slow down the approval process for you and for the rest of the people on our platform because it increases the work load for the QA team.
As soon as your visits are approved, the earnings appear in the Payment Center as Available for Payment. Earnings from visits that are waiting to be reviewed show up as Pending Approval.
*Business days are Monday through Friday. Business days do not include weekends or holidays.
The first business day is the business day after you upload your visit.
There are many business day calculators online you can use to figure out when you can expect your visits to be reviewed.
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