This page will guide you through how to successfully complete a Bakery Aisles & Displays Photo Collection.
For this visit, you will be taking photos for all aisles and displays where bread, buns, and sweet baked goods are present. You need to follow the instructions carefully so your visit can be approved.
Many of the photos you submit will be stitched together. This means the photos must have a certain amount of overlap. The correct amount of overlap is about 1-3 products. Here's a link to a full explanation. In order to have the best outcome, please watch this short video, and follow our best practices outlined here.
This visit will take approximately 30 minutes to complete, so please make sure your battery is charged.
What to Capture
For this collection, you will be taking pictures of all aisles and displays that contain the following:
- Bread - sliced bread, thin bread
- Buns - rolls, breakfast rolls
- Sweet baked goods - bars, cake, pastries, pie, donuts, cookies, muffins, snack cakes
You will also be taking pictures of displays in the bakery section that contain bread, buns, and sweet baked goods.
Bread and buns include, but are not limited to:
Sweet baked goods include, but are not limited to:
Locating & Capturing Products
For this project, you will be taking pictures of both branded and non-branded displays. Branded displays are displays that contain products with only specific brands. Non-branded displays are regular displays that contain bread, buns, and sweet baked goods from multiple brands.
Branded Displays
See below for branded display examples:
Non-Branded Displays
See below for non-branded display examples:
What Not to Capture
Please do not take pictures of white labeled bakery items, freshly baked products, and products in clear packages. See below for examples of what those displays look like:
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