Last Update: Friday, March 20, 2020
First and foremost: If you are feeling sick, have been in contact with someone who is sick, or do not feel comfortable going to stores, PLEASE STAY HOME. We will remove your assignments without penalty. See below for cancellation instructions.
Survey is a part of the retailer supply chain. The services Survey, and you as a Survey Merchandiser, provide to retailers helps make food and other essential supplies available to shoppers.
This means that you are able to continue working on assignments, even in areas under orders of shelter in place.
Assignments and Cancellations
We understand you may not be comfortable going to stores and completing assignments. We want to emphasize that the decision to take a store assignment is yours and yours alone. Please only claim or accept an assignment if you are comfortable completing it.
If you have an assignment and you no longer feel comfortable completing it because of the coronavirus, please contact us through the app or to cancel.
Please do not allow your assignments to expire or delete them from the app. Let us know so we can help. Please note that cancelling assignments for this reason will not affect your reliability rating. However, if you let assignments expire or delete them, you will get an automated message telling you that your score has been lowered. If you get this message, please contact us through the app and we'll make sure your score was unaffected.
If you have a shipment for an assignment you will not be able to complete, please contact us through the app and a support representative will let you know if you should hold onto the materials, send them back, or discard them.
Minimizing Risks While Completing an Assignment
When completing your assignment, you are required to comply with social distancing requirements and other guidelines from the CDC. This means:
- Maintain a distance of 6’ from others
- Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds as soon as you can after your assignment
- If soap and water are not readily available use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
- Avoid all contact with people who are sick
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow
- If you feel sick, or have come in contact with someone who is sick, stay home
- Clean and disinfect your device
The situation continues to change, and we will continue to keep Survey Merchandisers informed about any changes to our policy.
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