Here at, we offer many types of projects, including Sell-In’s. The purpose of a Sell-In is to educate store managers and decision makers about new products and promotions in the market and talk to them about placing an order! The first step to a Sell-In involves printing a sell sheet, which will be presented to a manager later on in the visit. Once you arrive at the store, you will complete a quick audit, in which you check if the products on the sell sheet are available in the store. Then, you will speak to the manager about specific products and try to persuade them to place an order. At the end of the visit and you will have the manager or decision maker initial your sell sheet.
Sell-In’s are great because they are fast, fun and there is usually a bonus attached if the manager ends up placing an order! Here are some tips on how to complete a successful Sell-In visit from real merchandisers!
- Bring a pen! Especially if the store is busy, carrying your own pen may help expedite your visit.
- Keep your visits short and sweet. Look at the supplemental materials and memorize three to five selling points. Writing a script for yourself will help you avoid any nervousness or uncomfortable silence.
- Be mindful of your appearance. Be tidy and dress appropriately for the weather.
- If you encounter a manager or decision maker who is rude, do not lose your temper. Try to remain positive and stay calm. You are not responsible for their behavior and the only thing that you can do is be is respectful and patient. If the manager or decision maker continues to exhibit curt or impolite behavior, simply thank them for their time and leave the store.
- Assure the managers or decision maker that by initiating your sell sheet that they are not agreeing to order anything. The sell sheet is used to show that you spoke to the decision maker and educated them on the product.
- Be confident! The worst thing that can happen during a Sell-In is the manager says no, so give it a shot! Managers are used to having vendors going into their stores to speak to them about new products all the time. Your job is to educate them on new products/promotions and be respectful, the rest is up to them!
Remember that the most important factors in completing a successful Sell-In is to be patient, understanding, and work around any obstacles that you encounter. Educating yourself about the product by reading the sell sheet will also aid you when speaking with store managers and decision makers about the product.
Im missing days and pay I forgot to sine out sep 21
Where do I get a sell sheet
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