If you're experiencing issues with the in-app barcode scanning on Android devices, please follow these troubleshoot-tips.
If these steps do not resolve your issues with the barcode scanner, please reach out to our tech support by navigating to the "Messages" section of the mobile app and choose the message category "App Issues".
Try the barcode scanner test from the "Help" page:
- This feature will run an automated test to determine if the barcode detection is working correctly on your device. You will also be able to run the barcode scanner from this page for testing purposes.
Force close the app:
- The initial run of the barcode scanner may require internet connection for its initial run. Try force closing the app by tapping your phone's "Overview" button (the button which runs across the bottom of your phone's screen which displays all running apps).
- Swipe the Merchandiser app to force close it.
- Restart the app once you have internet connectivity and try the scanner once more.
Clear data on "Google Play Services":
- The barcode scanner relies on third-party files provided by Google. In the chance these files aren't correctly loaded (likely because of internet connectivity), it may be necessary to clear these third-party files and allow your device to re-download them (which will automatically occur when you run the Merchandiser barcode scanner).
- Open your device's Settings and navigate to the Applications list.
- Locate "Google Play Services"
- Select "Storage"
- Tap "Clear Cache", then navigate to "Manage Space"
- Choose "Clear All Data"
- Restart the app once you have internet connectivity and try the scanner once more.
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