If the password you're entering doesn't work, please use the "Forgot Your Password?" option to initiate a password reset.
If you're on the page that requests you to "Enter your email to begin" and are wondering where the option to enter your password is - Simply enter your email, tap "Begin", and the app will then determine if you need to login with a password (existing account) or if you need to register your email (new account).
I'm good.
I can't login because I forgot my password
It never works! I still can't get in. I've tried several times I don't get a link to reset my password I did check spam as well. Frustrating
Lisa, experiencing the same.
After entering in all possible passwords that it might be which is only a few different ones that it could be i then click the forgot my password button and select the method to receive the reset password link. I had 1st selected email and checked my email inbox as well as spam folder like it said to do and nothing was sent i refreshed a few times as well and nothing i waited a few more minutes just to make sure.i then went back to the app and double checked my email to see if i entered it correctly and that there were no errors and there wasn't then i decided to approach a different way and select receiving it via text and an error message popped up saying that my password could not be reset at this time. So i don't know im confused. Oh and this is not the only day this has happened to me since i downloaded the app i have not been able to access anything or get further than the login page. Im thinking that maybe im gonna have to just delete the app entirely and then try re downloading it? Maybe?
Still can't load site tried temporary password nothing.tried old password nothing
Don't use the app. Use the login on the this page through the web address. I just did it and the link was sent to email. I tried through the app as well and didn't work.
Nevermind, that didn't work. It won't accept that password in the app.
Ok well here's what I did. I was already signed in on the app on my old phone. After I followed my original instructions to reset my password, I then went to the app on my phone that was already signed in, went to profile, account info and the password and reenter password section was blank so I put the same password as I did for changing in the web address. When I used that password in the app I wasn't already signed in for, it worked. Seems a bit redundant and not helpful for those that aren't already signed in on the app though 🤷♀️
Unable to login in n order to complete my 1099
I can't log in
I tried repeatedly to get a new password since I can't find my old one. It won't even send me a text or an email.
I forgot my password and can't access my old phone so I sent for a password reset. Received email did the reset and as far as signing in with it here it's fine but when it comes to the app I've tried the new one with both my emails and cannot get it to allow me to log into the app! I've reset it a few times, NOTHING. I noticed Google lists the site domain differently in the password manager and the app separate as if it's 2 different platforms and 8f that's so why when you reset your password does it not bring the app up instead of the support site which is what I believe the issue is because under these circumstances Google saves the new password under a WEBSITE domain that says nothing about "MERCHANDISER. COM" IN IT SO THE APP DOESN'T EVEN RECOGNIZE THE CHANGE! SO FRUSTRATING. I WAS LOOKING FORWARD TO DIGGING INTO THIS APP BUT IT'S GETTING SO FRUSTRATING I'M WONDERING IF IT'S EVEN WORTH IT.
Hey i am just here to leave a generic comment, ive had so many troubles just trying ro get jobs cause of app issues, communication problems, and losing out on positions and job assignments due to these issues. And the rating system is pretty bad and also the app is terrible most cases. I dont understand why you would let someone accept jobs on a friday and then it say they are due by monday at 7pm, BUT THE STORES WONT LET YOU WORK PAST 5PM, AND YOU CAMT WORK EM ON WEEKENDS, AND THERE IS NO ASSISNTANCE ON WEEKENDS TIL MAYBE SUNDAY NIGHT, SO you automatically take a hit on your rating, i just lost the ability to work 13 stores more than likely cause my phone i was using for the app decided to stop using data or make calls or messages and had no way to communicate with them, so ive been too worried about talking to them about it.
I've never heard of a store not letting you work after 5 or on weekends. I work 7 days a week up until the store closes. As far as the app, I'm never ever signed out. So I never have any problems with it. Maybe you need a new phone?
Well, here's the thing I never sign out either. And I actually have 2 Samsung phones. I have a flagship phone. Another close to flagship, didn't help the problem. It raises a concern with me that the 5 o'clock thing is actually done internally and I can advocate for others when it comes to the rating system Not being very good whatsoever, along with communication and? Other issues. Such as claiming a store. It's says you have 2 days to Complete it, but then you actually only have 6 hours to complete it. And that 6 hours is after that, 5 o'clock Time or whatever. So then you just lose that store and you're rating goes bad, Because you don't have the extra day and a half to do it. And I actually have screenshots of all of this stuff. So just because you haven't experienced it that doesnt mean it doesn't happen
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